Mobile Vs PC

Mobile Internet Vs Traditional Desktop 2015

Last Updated on May 29, 2024

Mobile internet usage to overcome traditional desktop

The internet is changing, you can do a lot with a phone in 2015, much more than what you used to do with an oversized and priceless Personal Computer in the 90’.


Microsoft website in 1995 and 20 years later – it has come a long way..

The concept of webdesign apparently even didn’t exist at that time or was  probably far from the priority. At that moment none of your friends used Skype in the subway, and the idea of making video phone calls through a 4G connected pocket-sized device was just not plausible, not even thinkable. Things have changed, such as traditional desktop yearly sales volume figures. The search giant Google even announced it plans to change its ranking method accordingly through a brand new algorithm.

Mobile Vs Desktop 2015 –  Mobile Internet Usage In 2015?

(Frank N. Magid Associates, Inc. figures)


People use a mobile device – for what?

According to the study – almost every of them use a mobile internet device to access information and other kind of content. 62.1% use to check their email with the phone/tablet, half of them listen music online (using online streaming services like Spotify). 40% enjoy downloading and using Apps. 15% make purchases, 15% read books.

Mobile devices pioneer in B2B – Overcoming Desktop

This is a fact, most of business executives own a phone for their business needs. – In 2014, the IDG Global Mobile Survey mentioned that 92% of them did.  By crossing several figures, it’s obvious that even if business executives will not necessarily purchase products of services, for their job needs, they use their smartphone and tablet beside working hours, evenings and week ends to get informed, to conduct business research.

Mobile Versus Desktop 2015 Trends Forecast – Mobile internet and Desktop/Laptop 2015

2015 shows that mobile users now spend more time on the internet than computer users (Desktop and laptop), mostly through App..  Something should be added to these figures dealing with the supremacy of mobile internet habits over the traditional desktop web browsing – Mobile web usage usually gathers two different things, the pure web browsing on your mobile web browser, but also the smartphone App usage.

If we only consider those who use internet through a web-browser, the computer (Desktop/Laptop) remains number one source of connection.  By mixing web-browsing and App usage, 2015 become an important year, celebrating the supremacy of mobile internet.

At Sekkei Studio, we keep on thinking that even though the internet is getting mobile, the laptop still have a quite safe future – Things are getting connected, we’ve heard about around 25 billion connected “things” forecast in 2020, but we are sure laptop will still be in.


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