9 Hottest KOLs in China That Every Brand Must Work With

China has a distinct digital landscape, but we all know that a good KOL marketing campaign is always an effective strategy to captivate the fragmented Chinese consumer base. Like it or not, Chinese Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) wield substantial influence across major social media platforms in China. And while their prowess molds consumer habits and purchasing decisions, not all popular KOLs suit every brand’s target audience.

9 Hottest KOLs in China That Every Brand Must Work With Read More

9 Hottest KOLs in China

China Market Intelligence [Types, Insights, Obstacles, etc.]

From analyzing your competitors to identifying market opportunities, collecting China market intelligence data allows you to gain a better understanding of your target audience. But how exactly can you do it? New businesses looking to enter the local business scene may think latching onto the latest industry trends can amplify their marketing efforts. However, the Chinese market is more complex than that.

China Market Intelligence [Types, Insights, Obstacles, etc.] Read More

China Market Intelligence, Types, Insights, Obstacles

4 Steps to Conduct Market Research in China [Best Practices]

With over 1 billion people in the country actively surfing the internet, foreign brands planning to venture into China can make informed decisions, acquire a competitive edge, and gain deeper insights by simply conducting market research properly. However, it’s worth noting that the China market is a competitive landscape. Its industry sectors have a broad range of Chinese consumers with distinct needs.

4 Steps to Conduct Market Research in China [Best Practices] Read More

4 Steps to Conduct Market Research in China

How Toutiao Advertising works for Businesses in China

International businesses have a myriad of options to attract local consumers, from traditional advertising methods and social media campaigns to boosting their presence in Chinese search engine platforms. Because of this, it’s not surprising if you haven’t heard of the Toutiao platform until now. However, it’s worth noting that there are over 332 million Toutiao users on the platform as of 2021.

How Toutiao Advertising works for Businesses in China Read More

Toutiao Advertising 2023

7 Best Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms in China

It’s no secret that China is the biggest e-commerce market in the world. And with the rise of the digital shopping phenomenon, cross-border online shoppers in the country enjoy access to a vast array of foreign goods from international companies. Beyond the allure of affordability, the convenience of online shopping further lured Chinese consumers into patronizing imported goods.

7 Best Cross-Border E-Commerce Platforms in China Read More

Cross border e-commerce China

KOL Marketing: Top Mistakes to Avoid in China

Collaborating with top Chinese KOLs is a proven strategy to promote brands in China, but you should know that your marketing plans won’t last long without a well-thought-out approach. Unfortunately, many marketers tend to overlook this problem when executing their campaigns. Regardless if you’re working with the most famous Chinese influencers, numerous factors, ranging from inadequate market knowledge to unclear brand expectations, can derail a KOL marketing campaign completely.

KOL Marketing: Top Mistakes to Avoid in China Read More

KOL mistakes to avoid in China

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